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Photographer Profile: Reema Desai
Photographer Profile, Profiles, The Palma

Photographer Profile: Reema Desai

The team at ONA loves to highlight emerging photographers and feature established photographers: it’s less about renown or experience and more about the feelings stirred by the images created. We’re constantly amazed by the incredible variety of photographers who use ONA bags: there’s no standard background, education, subject, inspiration, industry. The only constant is that they’re trying–and usually succeeeding–to tell a story in one captured moment.

ONA Bags x Reema Desai x Palma ONA Bags x Reema Desai x PalmaReema wears the Palma in Cognac.

ONA Bags x Reema Desai x Palma ONA Bags x Reema Desai x Palma

Reema Desai is a photographer living in Washington, D.C. Originally from Florida, she moved to the D.C. area nearly three years ago, and has immersed herself in the D.C. creative community ever since. She predominately shoots food, travel and lifestyle imagery, and never turns down the opportunity to explore and photograph a new place.

ONA Bags x Reema Desai ONA Bags x Reema Desai

ONA: How did you get into photography/videography?

RD: Growing up I always loved creating any type of art, whether it was watercolor paintings or completely terrible looking pottery. I've always loved storytelling and documenting so photography was a natural draw to me. I remember looking at photos when I was pretty young and being so moved to make some of my own.

ONA Bags x Reema Desai ONA Bags x Reema Desai

ONA: What camera do you shoot with? What is your “go to” lens of choice?

RD: I shoot with a 5D Mark II and usually stick to prime lenses. The 50mm f/1.4 and the 35mm f/1.4 are my two favorites. I'm a big fan of mobile photography too and use my iPhone 5 alot as well.

ONA Bags x Reema Desai ONA Bags x Reema Desai

ONA: What sort of project drives your creativity? What is your dream project?

RD: I love projects that allow me to collaborate with other creative people, especially those who do work that is very different from mine. I always feel more creative when I'm shooting somewhere I've never been before, so that really helps. As far as a dream project goes, anything that includes a good dose of food and travel is always going to be a treat.

ONA Bags x Reema Desai ONA Bags x Reema DesaiONA Bags x Reema Desai

ONA: What is the hardest thing about being a photographer/videographer?

RD: It's hard when there are so many incredible photographers out there doing such cool, interesting work. It's easy to get caught up and feel like your work isn't good enough. A good thing I always try to remember is that the great opportunities that others get are great for the industry as a whole. It can be challenging to know when to stop working and just relax too.

ONA Bags x Reema DesaiONA Bags x Reema DesaiONA Bags x Reema Desai

ONA: Describe your style of shooting.

RD: I like shooting with a photojournalistic bend. The idea of shooting every day scenes, even if they are a little messy, is something I really love.

ONA Bags x Reema DesaiONA Bags x Reema DesaiONA Bags x Reema Desai

ONA: In one sentence, what advice would you give to a photographer/videographer just starting out?

RD: Work very, very hard, be genuine and be excited about the fact that you get to create art every day.

ONA Bags x Reema Desai x Palma ONA Bags x Reema Desai x Palma ONA Bags x Reema Desai x Palma

ONA: How did you hear about us?

RD: I think it was the classic "non-ugly camera bags" Google search!



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