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Where ONA Goes: Calgary with Chris Amat
Travel, where ona goes, The Brixton

Where ONA Goes: Calgary with Chris Amat

Each ONA bag is named after a place that founder Tracy Foster has traveled, all the way from Camps Bay in South Africa (where she came up with the idea for ONA) to her favorite neighborhoods in New York, like Brooklyn and Chelsea. The entire ONA team loves to travel, and we adore living vicariously through our customers who take ONA bags to new and beautiful places.

Chris Amat x ONA Bags x The Brixton x Lake Minnewanka Canada

Chris uses the Brixton in Field Tan

Chris Amat is a designer and photographer based out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Exploring the rugged, mountain landscapes of Canada, Chris captures breathtaking scenes. Where jagged rock collides with ice, snow, and forest, Chris records his surroundings with a stunning, expansive perspective. His photos immediately transport us out of the city and into the woods, where the sky seems bigger, the air seems fresher and the colors seem brighter. We're apt to book a camping trip up north ASAP after gazing at his images of Calgary.

Chris Amat x ONA Bags x Waterton Canada Chris Amat x ONA Bags x Moraine Lake Canada Chris Amat x ONA Bags x Jasper Canada Chris Amat x ONA Bags x Lethbridge Canada Chris Amat x ONA Bags x Banff National Park Canada Chris Amat x ONA Bags x The Brixton x Lake Minnewanka Canada Chris Amat x ONA Bags x Lethbridge Canada Chris Amat x ONA Bags x Pincher Creek Canada Chris Amat x ONA Bags x Calgary Canada Chris Amat x ONA Bags x The Brixton x Calgary Canada



 Note: Photos of Chris were kindly taken by Mike Seehagel and Shanelle Fredrickson.

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